Saturday 3 June 2017

5 Little known thrillers that are certified "Must See"

The fun of watching a great thriller movie is in the anticipation of the plot twists and the various themes it sets out to explore. Although thrillers are a popular genre there are some great films that slip under the radar every now and then.

Here is a list of 5 little known thrillers that you must watch as a genre fan.

5. Disturbia (2007)

This 2007 low budget thriller starring Shia Lebeouf was inspired by the Hitchcock masterpiece " Rear Window".  It is a reworking of the creepy neighbor next door plot and offers quite a scary premise.

Movie Guru Rating : 3.5 out 5

4. The Man from Nowhere (2010)

This 2010 Korean masterpiece is an action packed saga of a stranger out for redemption against the most corrupt and evil forces in the underworld. Very similar thematically to "Man on Fire" but this gem stands on its own merit.

Movie Guru Rating : 4 out of 5

3.  Eden Lake (2008)

This low key thriller features a breakout performance by Michael Fassbender who went on to play bigger roles later in his career. This was the start of something special.

Movie Guru Rating : 4 out 5

2. Hard Candy (2006)

This movie is not for the faint hearted as it deals with darker themes of pedophilia and serial killing which may not be for everyone. It was shot at one location on a shoe string budget and turned out to be one of the most powerful films in the last two decades. Watch it for the strong scripting and characterization. 

Movie Guru Rating : 4 out of 5

1.  Get Out (2017)

This is a "punch you right in the gut" type of a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seats from the word go.  An all round excellent film dealing with  multiple themes like racism, the occult and slavery. An ideal movie if you want the chills after watching it.

Movie Guru Rating : 4.5 out of 5

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