Saturday 7 October 2017


Written by -
Jai Vijay Gulabani

Ridley Scott's accomplishments in the sci-fi genre are well known. His Blade Runner hit cinema screens worldwide in 1982, it turned out to be box office disappointment for the studio as the film was considered way ahead of its time. Before that Hollywood had a clear distinction of genres between science fiction and noir films. Blade Runner at that time was the perfect amalgamation of the two genres - something never attempted before in cinema history. With time and several re releases theatrically and many versions on Home Video (VHS, DVD and Bluray - Director's Cut & Final Cut) it began to have a cult following worldwide and is today considered one of the best science fiction films of all time. With a current score of 8.1 on IMDB, these credentials are well established.

Now before I begin reviewing Blade Runner 2049 I must tell you three things.

1- Do not watch Blade Runner 2049 first if you have not seen the original Blade Runner.

2- And the only way to enjoy and fully appreciate Ridley Scott's original Blade Runner is to get            hold of the "Blade Runner - The Final Cut" copy on Bluray because it is the definitive version.

3- If you are expecting a fast paced typical mindless blockbuster - then this is not your film.

Blade Runner 2049 arrives with a story which is set thirty years later after the events of the original. An apocalyptic event called "The Blackout" has shifted the balance in favor of the replicants. Humans and replicants are now so deeply interwoven that is almost impossible to distinguish and separate them. The title sequence and background theme music transport you right back into the dystopian futuristic Los Angeles once again. Ryan Gosling (Officer K) is a Blade Runner on a mission where he encounters a replicant Sapper Morton (Dave Bautista) with a secret so big that it could change the course of human and replicant existential history forever. Officer K is led from one clue to another to uncover this mystery which turns out to be an incredible journey of self discovery. The keyword repeatedly thrown at us is "interlinked" because that's how deeply the plot is woven into the original's ending.

Jared Leto plays Niander Wallace, a corporate master who has taken the reigns of reinvigorating the replicant production after the blackout with upgraded versions. His obsessive streak and cold heartedness is a mirror to today's corporate bigwigs who believe in the coming age of A.I & human cloning while sidestepping the impact of such radical innovations on human society.

The two standout performers are Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas (Joi) who plays an emotional and humanized holographic love interest to Gosling's soft spoken and lonely persona. It is ironic that the most human character in the story is the artificial holographic Joi. She has the most heart touching, funny and beautiful moments in the script, evoking love and emotional depth in what is a grim and pessimistic timeline. Harrison Ford returns as Deckard to carry the story forward, however this time around the focus is not on him but rather on the outcome of his actions during his younger days as a Blade Runner.

Director Denis Villeneuve has crafted a sensory and emotional masterpiece. I will dare stick my neck out and say he has outdone Ridley Scott by miles. He has shown complete ownership of this universe and improved on what was already good. He is definitely one of the top five Director's in Hollywood today and Blade Runner 2049 is his best film to date. Period! Yes, even better than "Sicario". The level of detailing in each and every frame is an experience to behold on the big screen.

In Roger Deakins as his cinematographer after "Sicario" he has found an equal partner who is passionate and capable of achieving the highest pinnacle of visual story telling. Special mention to the background score and the sound design which has always been an intrinsic part of the Blade Runner universe .While watching an hour of this film, it hit me -  I was witnessing cinematic perfection after a very long time. I had to think very hard to find faults with what was playing out on the screen. The only thing that might stick out is the slow pace which today's audience may not be used to. But the slow pace here is intentional and not a folly of the screenplay.

"Blade Runner 2049" will be a reference point for many filmmakers and schools of cinema. The perfect blend of emotion, character study, technical wizardry and a mesmerizing script that plays out in its full glory. It is the absolute gold standard in film making and a science fiction masterpiece for ages to come. Don't be surprised if this one bags a few Oscars next season.

MUST WATCH !!!!!!!


Sunday 30 July 2017


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Ridley Scott's original "Alien" released in 1979 and birthed a genre we now call "Space Horror". Very few films since then have managed to combine space sci-fi with gripping, gory tension on screen. Daniel Espinosa's "Life" released in 2017 tries very hard to ape Scott's tour de force in terms of its setting, structure and the scares but falls short with its flawed narrative and hollow characterization.

"Life" stars Hollywood A listers such as Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) and Jake Gyllenhal (Rendition) among other  cast members who are used merely as instruments to take the story forward. Its very first sequence puts you right in the middle of a space station and its crew who are on a mission to retrieve samples from Mars.  As a standard Hollywood cliche, they then start researching on one of the single cell life forms they discover in the samples.

And before you can say "Houston we have a problem" things start to go haywire for the scientist and the space crew. The alien life form starts evolving and getting smarter at a breakneck speed. There is one stand out sequence in the film when "Calvin" (that's what they named the alien) finally breaks out of it's chamber and escapes. The way the film picks up from here on makes it far more entertaining than it deserves to be.

The story progresses on predictable yet somehow entertaining lines. "Calvin" has more personality than some of the characters in the story and it almost gives you a feeling that you are watching a slasher flick like "Jason X" in space.

The direction is competent although it is nothing special. Director Daniel Espinosa and Cinematographer  Seamus McGarvy keep majority of the proceedings restricted to the inner surrounding of the space station and are able to extract some decent performances from the actors. The screenplay is somewhat muddled yet makes a one or two bold choices that help elevate your interest in the film. The background score, editing and production design are nothing noteworthy and offer the usual Hollywood stamp.

As an unofficial and pseudo remake of Ridley Scott's masterpiece it never sets the bar high enough for itself. This is above average standard Hollywood popcorn entertainment. However, it is to be said that "Life" is an entertaining film and probably give you a good time due its premise and some really stand out scenes if you are in the mood for some space horror.

If you are expecting authenticity in how space programs are run and how astronauts behave then "Life" is not your film. But if you want to see an above average space thriller then it should be your pick albeit with mild expectations only.

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Saturday 17 June 2017

Your Watchlist : Every movie you must see in 2017 !!

Witten by
Jai Gulabani

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This is all you need to get your Hollywood entertainment fix in 2017.
Let's begin....

Transformers The Last Knight aka Transformers 5

Michael Bay and the alien robot gang return for some big screen excitement this summer movie season.  Almost 70% of the movie was shot with Imax cameras and has 4k rendered visual effects. Although the transformers films have always been found wanting in terms of its plot and characters, they still provide the best big ticket entertainment in the action sci fi genre.
Release Date :  June 23rd

Baby Driver

Edgar Wright is one Director whose work I always look forward to. This time he directs Kevin Spacey and John Hamm in a heist film. Expect dazzling camera work, peppy music and some cool car chase sequences in this entertainer.
Release Date : July 28th

Despicable Me 3

The minions are back for another fun filled adventure. The story brings back the lovable villain Gru (and his minions) for another misadventure, this time involving his long lost twin brother Dru (who is also voiced by Steve Carell) who tries to get him back into the villain business.
Release Date : June 30th

Spiderman Homecoming

A new direction for our friendly neighborhood web slinging superhero after his introduction in last year's Captain America Civil War movie. This new iteration of Peter Parker is all set to dazzle our screens in 3D in July.
Release Date : July 7th

War for the Planet of the Apes

The last two apes movies were absolutely above everyone's expectations. For a sci fi fantasy film, this franchise maintains its bleak, desolate and post apocalyptic tone and yet manages to entertain. Director Matt Reeves returns to helm this venture while exploring some darker themes of war and survival. Very excited to see Woody Harrelson as the new addition to the cast.
Release Date : July 14th

Valerian and the City of Thousand Planets

Director Luc Besson's next sci fi adventure after the much hyped yet divisive Lucy promises to borrow visual elements from his previous masterpiece The Fifth Element while adding a completely new storyline and setting. The trailer was visually stunning now we have to wait and see if the movie lives up to the hype.
Release Date : July 21st


Master Director Christopher Nolan presents his latest World War II epic drama about a group of British soldiers trapped behind enemy lines. Shot with 65mm Imax cameras, the movie promises to be a must see on the big screen this season.
Release Date : July 21st

Atomic Blonde

Think John Wick but with a female leading the cast this time. Charlize Theron is back in the titular role after her turn to badassery in Mad Max Fury Road. Action packed, high octane, a dash of comedy all woven into a spy revenge plot seem to be the recipe this time around.
Release Date : July 28th

The Dark Tower

Easily one of the most anticipated films of the year. This film has been in production since 2015. Based on the best selling book by Stephen King. Idris Elba (The Gunslinger) and Mathew McConaughey (Man in Black) are locked in the eternal dance of good and evil for the future of mankind.
Release Date : August 4th

Kingsman : The Golden Circle

The first Kingsman released two years ago was a welcome and fresh take on the tired and oft repeated spy genre. Colin Firth and Samuel Jackson dazzled with their fantastic performances and made the film better than it ever deserved to be. Fans demanded a sequel and the Director and studio respond with this year's release.
Release Date : September 22nd

Thor Ragnarok

The less said about the Thor 2 : The Dark World the better. It was one of the worst Marvel movies of all time. It is not surprising that Marvel is looking to shake things up in this Asgardian story with a new Director in Taika Waititi who promises to bring his own brand of visual panache to the franchise. The trailer looks really promising and we are overhyped for another Thor & Hulk clash.

Release Date : November 3rd

Justice League

Wonder Woman was a big step up for DCEU after the critical failure of Batman V Superman.  Justice League is looking very exciting and is the most anticipated film of 2017. No matter the final box office of this superhero flick, rest assured that fans will throng the theatres to watch Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg together for the first time in this ensemble piece. Super Hyped!!
Special mention to Director Zack Snyder who is going through a personal loss at this time. Our thoughts are with him and his family.
Release Date : November 17th

AND THE LAST ONE IS .....................

Star Wars The Last Jedi

Rian Johnson (Looper) directs the follow up to 2015's A Force Awakens. The story continues the journey of Rey as she meets Luke Skywalker and learns about her past and her destiny in the Galaxy. Easily in the top two most awaited films of 2017.
Release Date : December 14th

So what did you think about this post? Don't forget to like and comment on our facebook page and share the same with your friends. We value your feedback and look forward to it.

Sunday 4 June 2017

5 Remakes that are better than the original !!!

Written by -
Jai Gulabani

On every occasion when a remake is announced of an older but much beloved film, it is considered as the industry's lack of originality. Although the need to remake classic movies is much debated, the reality is that box office numbers dominate creativity and there is a market of younger audiences who will gladly watch the updated remake version.

But the real reason to remake a film should be to add a new dimension to the already known story with a new director and actors who can bring their own stamp of creativity to the film. These remakes that surpass the original are the ones that can be considered as legitimate remake/updates to the same story.

Here is list of 5 remakes that are way better than the original.

5. True Lies (1995)

An unofficial remake of the French thriller La Totale (1991) about a character who lives his life as a commoner but in reality is a secret spy for the government.  Directed by James Cameron on a massive budget starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, True Lies went on to become a modern Hollywood classic.

4. The Thing (1982)

Directed by the master of horror John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell in his first blockbuster role. This 1982 update of the 1951 film of the same name is still one of the scariest sci fi horror movies of all time. 

3. Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Featuring an all star ensemble cast from the last few decades. This 2001 heist film surpassed the original film made in 1960 by miles. 

2. True Grit (2010) 

The original one made in 1969 starred the legendary John Wayne and is still considered one of the best western films ever made. However, the Coen Bros. did something special with the 2010 version and found worldwide success and picked up a few Oscars as well.

1. Scarface (1983)

Who can forget Al Pacino's iconic portrayal of Tony Montana in this masterpiece by Brian De Palma. Very few know that this was actually a remake and the original was released way back 1932.

If you liked any remakes better than the original, feel free to comment and share on our facebook page.

Saturday 3 June 2017

5 Little known thrillers that are certified "Must See"

The fun of watching a great thriller movie is in the anticipation of the plot twists and the various themes it sets out to explore. Although thrillers are a popular genre there are some great films that slip under the radar every now and then.

Here is a list of 5 little known thrillers that you must watch as a genre fan.

5. Disturbia (2007)

This 2007 low budget thriller starring Shia Lebeouf was inspired by the Hitchcock masterpiece " Rear Window".  It is a reworking of the creepy neighbor next door plot and offers quite a scary premise.

Movie Guru Rating : 3.5 out 5

4. The Man from Nowhere (2010)

This 2010 Korean masterpiece is an action packed saga of a stranger out for redemption against the most corrupt and evil forces in the underworld. Very similar thematically to "Man on Fire" but this gem stands on its own merit.

Movie Guru Rating : 4 out of 5

3.  Eden Lake (2008)

This low key thriller features a breakout performance by Michael Fassbender who went on to play bigger roles later in his career. This was the start of something special.

Movie Guru Rating : 4 out 5

2. Hard Candy (2006)

This movie is not for the faint hearted as it deals with darker themes of pedophilia and serial killing which may not be for everyone. It was shot at one location on a shoe string budget and turned out to be one of the most powerful films in the last two decades. Watch it for the strong scripting and characterization. 

Movie Guru Rating : 4 out of 5

1.  Get Out (2017)

This is a "punch you right in the gut" type of a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seats from the word go.  An all round excellent film dealing with  multiple themes like racism, the occult and slavery. An ideal movie if you want the chills after watching it.

Movie Guru Rating : 4.5 out of 5

Wonder Woman : Movie Review

"Trust a woman to accomplish what a man cannot" - seems to be the undercurrent theme of the latest DCEU - Warner Bros. produced superhero extravaganza "Wonder Woman".

After the mixed reviews of Man of Steel and universally panned misfire Batman V Superman, DCEU is back with another summer superhero"ine" release this time. The legendary character of Wonder Woman is brought to life on celluloid as another setup movie for "Justice League" releasing later this year. And boy, what a step up this movie is for the DCEU movies! They finally have a comicbook film that is as good as Marvel's 2008 Iron Man in terms of quality and setting up a new hero"ine" for the future.

I had a blast watching the beautiful Gal Gadot play a badass and throw punches, kicks and Godly aggression during World War 1 timeline. She made me believe that this is the kind of film 2013's Man of Steel should have been. The titular character's story begins in the present day where she receives a message from Bruce Wayne that compels her to take a trip down nostalgia lane and she begins narrating her journey as a child on the fantastical and mythical island of Thymiscira inhabited only by the fairer sex and protected and nurtured by the power of their father, the Greek God Zeus who has kept them hidden from all mankind.

The first act is quite powerful and engaging. The screenplay sets up the characters and motivations quite well and the mythological backstory of how everything that is happening in present times in the movie is connected to an ongoing war among Gods and men. Zeus's son Ares "The God of War" rebels against his father for creating mankind on earth. His only aim is to corrupt and destroy his father's treasured creations in order to establish his reign in the universe. This may seem quite cliche given the fact that we know a superhero film is incomplete these days without "the whole world in danger" theme. Director Patty Jenkins does an excellent job of not falling into the modern film making trap of cutting and editing way too fast and way too much. The dialogues play out organically which helps establish the characters. However there are a few scenes in the third act that do overstay their welcome and some editing would have helped.

One of the main gripes I have is that "Wonder Woman" does suffer from Marvel's poor villain syndrome. The bad guy character is not given much to play with here. And the writing is such an archetype and cliche that even when the film reveals its big plot twist towards the end it seems hollow and forced.

The strongest highlight here is Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Chris Pine's (Steve Trevor) hilarious and at times cute romantic chemistry, which is electric as they are able to play off each other's strengths and weaknesses. The story does make maximum use of its cinematic liberties considering it is a comic movie and delivers the VFX and sound fury once the action begins to ramp up in the second and third act.

A good experience in 3D and special mention to that goosebump inducing background music. Definitely worth a watch as a ramp up piece for the Justic League movie coming in November this year.

Movie Guru Rating